Political Science & International Relations

Political Science is part of our everyday lives, no matter what our outlooks and interests are. Whether you are one of those who want to change the world, or simply understand it better, a study of political science provides the tools that enable you to analyse and explain the events around us.
The formal study of western Political Science originated more than two thousand years ago, when questions were raised by ancient Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle about the way that society should be governed. Since then, the field of Political Science has developed to include not only an analysis of how different societies are ruled, and the political philosophies behind forms of government, but also the political relationships among nations. This study is known as International Relations, and forms an important part of contemporary political studies.
Career opportunities
There are many career opportunities for graduates, ranging from media posts to diplomatic positions, depending on your interests, including the following:  
Diplomatic service: diplomat, political analyst, political advisor, mediator, researcher
Media: political reporter or editor, free-lance writer, political analyst
Politics:  activist, lobbyist, politician, campaign organizer, political party marketing and public relations manager, researcher
Administration: public administrator, archivist, international organisation official
Corporate sector: corporate or financial analyst, planner.
Education: teacher, professor, researcher
Vision: To take the lead in critical and intellectual discourse on issues relating to Politics and International Relations, to provide an academically stimulating environment that fosters debate, and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in alignment with the vision of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Fort Hare.
Mission: The Department of Political Science and International Relations strives to offer courses and programmes that are socially relevant and that contribute to contemporary critical discourse, while providing students with the competencies, skills and knowledge that will advance their intellectual growth and capacitate their future career development.